Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How do we know what people want?

Do we really hear other people's thoughts? Does our action, even though it is sincere, but will be perceived as something different?

How could we gauge other people when they just keep to a minimal of small talk but does not express more or even communicate properly so that we know what we can do, or at least show us the way?

It is very frustrating when we tend to be friendly to the other, a simple rub on the hand, or maybe an arm around the shoulder of the other, would be perceived as being too sticky? If the other just keeps to himself/herself without saying anything. At the end of the day, when both say their goodbyes, the other would be saying in their mind "No way am I going to see him/her again." Perhaps later, telling it to their friends that it was the worst date that they have ever had.

It is true that we have to understand body language, but if the other party is not even showing their sign, how are we to know? And the most frustrating part, in the 6
° of Separation, if you believe this theory, you might have the possibility to meet up with the friend of your encounter, and tells you how they felt when they were on a date with you.

To sum it up, come up front and say it and then all goes well, to a certain extent, ends well, though some ended up in a little heated up argument when you tell the truth, its better than keeping quiet or giving lame excuses.

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