Thursday, November 02, 2006

To boldly step the first step where no one can push you...

When you look at a person that you’d think that he/she is your kind of gal/guy, how would you react? Needless to say that some will have many ideas popping out of their minds to think of ways to approach the other party, while some are grounded to face a little bit of what we call a “reality check”.

The things we say to ourselves somehow are a little damaging, even to the extent of minimizing the opportunity for you that this particular person might be the ONE.

How is it that we dampen our spirits and even our confidence? Perhaps we never want to know that if there is a slightest chance of getting the ONE that we wanted. Mostly we would have thoughts of “Better save myself from the rejection and the embarrassment”, or “Better not waste my time on something that I know will not happen”.

The problem is that we are never able to take the first step or to be thick skin enough. Should we be constantly be reminded this particular phrase “Never try, Never know”. Who knows? We might even hit the Jackpot!

Let us ponder…


Mervin Lee said...

Hey Chris,

Your blog sounds like those people who were hurt by love. Well, you just have to be more resilient and not take it too seriously. If you do, then you don't know how to love....


annakin said...

Here are my two cents worth.

I always play safe. I think people should try not to put others in a spot. I've been approached by people who think I have feelings for them when I've actually never showed any interest. We were merely friends and it was actually a one-way street.

I would have preferred they didn't reveal their feelings, now the friendship itself has gone to another level - a lower one...

Anonymous said...

I always give my try even sometimes it's very costly. Really following the phrase u mentioned.

But at one point I will kill my feeling slowly once foresee it will not work.