Many things have happened these few days, and apparently, some for the good and some bad. As of September 2008, the rambler has once again left the organization and has landed in another. One year in the old organization has made this rambler missed certain things of the organization, and also happy for the fact that the rambler can officially say, “Good riddance to bad rubbish!”
The good and the bad of jumping to a new organization,
1) We have to built up our seniority in the organization again
2) Getting used to the new organization’s culture
3) Learning new things (that is if you are joining a different industry). This is a hard one as one has to learn to really get to know stuffs which might and might not be our cup of tea, but for the sake of money, we do it anyway, we have to bite the bullet.
4) Perhaps, this is just a perhaps, to climb up the new organization’s corporate ladder from the bottom up.Some people will say, “Hey, its good for you, new exposure, better expansion of your skills, your resume’s gonna look good!” Come to think of it, it is easier said than done. The other people are only able to say, but it is us that we have to really go through the obstacles that are presented to us.
Again, there is never a greener pasture in wherever we go, well a little bit of green patch here and there. But the rest, it is like “Holy shit! I have to do this?” It is so true that when the organization hires you, it is not for the reason of expanding, but mostly is because their human capital in the particular department has been depleted, and we are going in to fill in the blanks.
What is more saddening is that there is always an ulterior motive of why we are hired for the organization. It is not the value of our skills that we have been hired, but for the fact that we can actually give information of what you have in your previous company and being used in the new. Now, is this what we call value? Are we really being appreciated to enter the new organization for the fact that our skills carry some credentials, or for the fact that we have some information, that they would like to take from us?
It is suppose to be a win-win situation, but till now, after a week in the organization, I see that the main reasons for hiring is more of the organization’s winning side, and as for me, nothing much to look forward to.
How is it that an organization is to compete is to look at how much they can pinch from the other organization, and use you to the fullest, and perhaps, just perhaps that we are being awarded for leaking previous organization’s information to the new.
To survive in the new organization, is to use what we have from the old, and place it to the new, hence, a porting of information or secrets.
In the end, are we branded a spy?