Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Reject, reject....

The ordeal of going through rejection is sometimes very hurtful. But to think about it, we might have done the same thing to the other and in return for doing that, you’d get the taste of being rejected.

When we are interested in someone, and try many ways to get this person’s attention, but in the end, the person might just say, “I don’t think it’s going to work out between us.” These particular words actually hit you so hard that you feel that someone has shot an arrow to your heart piercing it with the feeling of pain. We seek to find out the reason why this is happening to us, and in the end, the negativity in us builds so much that at times we look down on ourselves that we might not even want to take another step forward to look for another. Fishes in the sea might as well be swimming, but we just don’t have the mood to catch it up and say, perhaps this fish tastes good.

Come to think of it, think about the other party that has been pursuing us and we just couldn’t care less and think it’s not right for you. And when we reject the person, do we not put the same pain that we felt by being rejected? Is it karma? What goes around comes around?

We try so hard to understand that when people reject, it’s not the end of the world yet, and if you don’t succeed the first time, try again. To some, they have tried only few times that they finally succeeded, but to some, they try so hard, and yet still haven’t got anything yet.

The patience of one man does not stay forever thick as it grows thinner by the day when we urge for something and yet can’t get hold of it. “Patience is a virtue” to some people’s mind, but it is not true to some as the emotional build ups is so immense that the patience disappears and loneliness and misery kicks in to people’s mind. Thinking positive is good, but to some, it just won’t work. At times we just cry, keep quiet, stare blankly and the mind goes into limbo, thinking that if there is someone there for us.

Scream out if we can to say, “I want someone in my life that I can cherish and love!” But who can hear but yourself. It is just ourselves that we try to make it work and no one else. To give up is so easy, but the hurt will be starting to creep in, to be positive after rounds of rejection are also hard, but it’s not easy too as we need to heal yourself after the endless negative bash from the other party.

Be a loner, be a heart of stone, and let yourself to be that way and hurt will keep it at its bay. If we try to be that way, we would remove of what some other feels. But to be a person to have another in your life, take it up with great strength, as rejection is always an enemy around the corner and if we are wise to avoid its lashes, we will be fine, but once we are not careful, hurt is what we will get.


Anonymous said...

what's going on chris? what is this rejection? what has happened to you? don't you know that there are many who care? you build such a strong fire wall around you - nothing gets through. open up & be your loving self. there's plenty of good stuff in you - let others see & feel it.

Anonymous said...

excuse me if i get too personal chris, but all the rejection stuff - where is it coming from? what happened to that happy go lucky guy who rambles on and on?

Chris said...

The time the doors was open
But in the end it closes
Reason of what is been mentioned
No further reasons for making it open

Mervin Lee said...

Mea Culpa Mea Culpa..................

[danial][ma] said...

hej! chris...just open your mind, open your heart...time will heal, luv will return...

cheers! danial