Thursday, December 11, 2008


When a couple ended the relationship, there are two different type of behavior that you would see in these two individuals. One would be so glad that the relationship has ended while the other just couldn’t believe that the relationship they had has ended.

One will crave to have the relationship back. The other craves to look for another one better or maybe want to be single for the time being.

The concern would not be the one who would be happy for the reason that the relationship has ended as their mind would have the least pain, maybe a little reminiscence of what they have cherished, and the rest of the memories, one less big headache to think or to care about.

The concern, would be the one that just lost its partner, just couldn’t bear with the loss. The searing knife through the heart would best describe how this person would be feeling. Though it will heal, the scar would still remain. Not unless there is a scar remover is there to save the day, the healing would be only be part and not fully to the person.

As for the scar remover, this would only appear if the person who is feeling the pain to stop comparing whatever he/she had before with the one they have right now. If the person is way better than the previous, I would say that this sort of scar remover works very well. But if the scar remover is not that great, the pain is still there. It wouldn’t help; hence the best way is to tell the one who is hurting that there is no point in comparing. Enough of thinking back, thinking that they were in wrong, but to think that every experience is just part of the life; it is part of the learning curve of understanding what relationship is all about. There is no such thing as a bed of roses. There is no such thing as happily ever after. In every relationship, there are always ups and downs.

In reality, even the well educated in the world would face some problems in their relationship. So why blame on own self that we are the reason that the other does not want us. Why not think about, of they don’t want us, it’s their lost. They don’t even know what they have lost.

Some people may find a perfect match, those are lucky, some might not, and they have to try few keys in order to find the correct key to the door. Some people complain that things are not going their way. It is because they think that they are the problem, the next person standing in front of them somehow is invisible. They might even loose sight of what they longed to have but since people try hard to become visible in front of them would give up and perhaps try to knock on some other people’s door. Chance given and not taken will loose up even more as they are not open enough to accept.

Should the scar heal, removed or remains depends solely on how open one self is towards their perspective and beliefs of relationship.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Keeping up with the Joneses

I wonder if you have encountered this before, but the fact that I’ve been with some or more or less the different type classes of people, I can safely say that it is not easy to live up to some other’s people lifestyle.

I’d like to bring in an example of a bunch of guys who enjoys the finest things in life, coffees, dining; shopping should at least be in the standards of first upper to upper class price range. Any expenditure that goes lower that the price range, well not that they don’t go for the lesser, but the fact is that they only do it once in a blue moon, and that it considered lucky if you are able to find a specific time that they actually go for the simpler things.

Question is, if they spend as much as they could afford, and the others can’t, does that mean that they would only accept people of that stature and nothing less. Does that mean that any people who earns lesser than the others, or does not have the liberty to spend as unreservedly due to heavy commitments would deemed unworthy to join the group? Does it ever occur to the people who spend as much as they could ever think of the others who can’t afford? Does this means that the acceptance level of a friend, a buddy, a groupie has to be set to that?

I simply do not understand that in order to be with this bunch of people, you simply have to spend like they do. Is this the new requirement that needs to be set in order to join the band wagon?

Requirement Officer: Places to go for coffee?
A: Erm, mamak stall
B: Starbucks of course
Requirement Officer: Places to go for dinner?
A: Mamak of course, simple and cheap
B: Sheesh, somewhere posh I would say, perhaps dinner in Pavilion?
Requirement Officer: Well, Mr. A, I am sorry that you do not qualify to join the group as your requirement for the simple things in life does not fulfill our standards, but Mr. B, we welcome you with open arms!

If we are unable to join them, does it also mean that we are not worthy to be a friend to them or to even to be deserved to be called a decent human being? Are we all deemed as low life Homo sapiens that are not good enough for them? Why?